Monday, May 28, 2007

Chapter 4: The Rules

I gasped. “WHAT?! Wouldn’t that be TOO MUCH?!” I said.

“I know. Kinda vulgar actually, but that’s the only way it works,” Coélzé explained and shrugged.

“But I don’t wanna do that to anyone!” I protested.

“Your protest is leading us to rule number 2, which is, this sword has to be touched with human skin everyday. Everyday you don’t use this sword to fight crime, it’ll take your energy and on the twelfth day not touching this sword to human skin, you’ll be dead.

Here’s a fun bit. If you cut someone with this sword, their skin will be shredded till the last of the bones, but it won’t do whatsoever to you! If you don’t believe me, just try it,”

I looked at him in disbelief. I looked at the sword and shivered a bit. “Naah...I believe you. I’ll try it later. So...what’s the next rule?”

“ can give this sword to someone else. But if you do, you’ll be the first person to be hunted down by the next holder, you got it?”

I nodded. “So, that means I’ll go to Heaven?”

“Depends. I’m not gonna say your life is gonna be easy with this sword. Instead, I think it’ll make you lots of trouble and pain,”

“You still have time to consider though whether you take this sword or you’ll give it back to me and I’ll give this sword to someone else. The Sword Maker gave you compensation because you’re the first holder. So...what do you think?”

I looked at Coélzé and thought hard. I’m really interested in this, but I don’t know if I really should take this sword. It took me a few minutes before I finally said something.

“Coélzé, I’ll take this skull sword,” I said. Coélzé smiled.

“Wonderful. From now on, I’ll go to your school and be with you to control and to guide you in using this sword...”

“But Coélzé,” I cut him, “If you go to my school, where will you stay?”

“Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you. With this humanoid look, everyone can see me. But,” then he transformed back into the scary-looking creature, “Only you can see me when I’m like this,”

My jaw dropped. “Hey, that’s not fair!” I protested.

“Come on, Constantina, if everyone sees me like this, people will be shocked like you did! I don’t wanna kill people just because of my look!”

I sighed. “ will I begin killing people?”

“You don’t have to start tonight, you can start tomorrow night,”

“Oh...then I’ll have plenty of time to design my clothes, and my name...”

“Wait, what do you think you’re doing???”

“I’m gonna be a superhero, right? I need my style,”

Coélzé changed into his humanoid look again and sighed. “Alright...”

I walked to my wardrobe. “Let’s about a black sleeveless leather jacket with three skulls printed in front of it...and leather jeans...and...a mask,”

I sighed. “I don’t have a mask,” I said, “but maybe I could just buy one in a shop after part-time job,”

“Yeah, mask is an important thing. You mustn’t let anyone know your identity or any details about skull sword, okay?”

“Uh-huh,” I murmured, “and what will I call myself? about...SKULL? Naah...everyone in Eternity High recognizes me as that. Hmmm...I name should be...Luskayne! What do you think, Coélzé?”

“Bad name,” he said while sitting on my bed, “I have a better one, it’s from the anagram of my friend’s name, how about Choélla?”

“Choélla? Hmmm...That sounds nice actually. Great! From now on, people will know me as, Choélla!” I said energetically.

“Yeah! And you better be hurry because you’re gonna be late for your part-time job!” Coélzé said pretty loud, and that actually made me almost fell to the floor.

“WHAT?!?! AAAAARGH!!!” I yelled and didn’t change my clothes but I ran downstairs when someone knocked the front door.

“Yo, sis! Open the door, will ya?!” Ekren yelled while still knocking on the door like mad.

“You have a brother?” Coélzé whispered and transformed back into his scary look again.

“Yep, his name is Ekren,” I said and opened the door.

“Look, Ekren. After I leave, lock the door, okay?!” I said and ran to ‘Lavieve’.

Then, Coélzé stopped me. “What are you doing?!” I hissed.

“You forgot the sword!”

“WHAT?! Where is it?!” I panicked.

“Here,” Coélzé gave me a necklace, “the sword is portable, you can just change it into a necklace or earring or bracelet and bring it everywhere you go! It’s a new function actually,”

I almost laughed my head off when I heard that, but I stayed cool and said, “Well...thanks...I’ll wear this necklace,”

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