Monday, May 28, 2007

Chapter 2: School Rumble

“ it is...the infamous SKULL,” one of the girls with PINK shirt and white mini skirt said and folded her arms. I don’t even know her name.

“Yeah. And excuse me if you have no business with me,” I said emotionlessly and walked through them.

That ‘senior’ who talked to me cleared her throat. “Well...that’s not really how you do it in Eternity High,”

I turned around. “What?” I challenged them.

“You see, all the freshmen have to know the seniors’ names,” she said.

I sighed. Here we go...

“Second, you don’t walk through us like you did,” she continued.

I curled my fist as I really wanted to punch that girl.

“So, SKULL, I’m afraid I have to punish you. For this entire week, you have to obey what we tell you to do, understand?” she said again. Geez, she’s so annoying.

I didn’t say anything and turned my back on them and just walked away to my class. Yeah, what happened to the ‘Friendship, Brain, and Soul are Eternal’ motto?

I thought I heard them called my name a few times, but I just kept walking.

At lunch break...

I always have my own seat for lunch. When I was about to eat, that senior walked to me again and sat on my table without my permission.

The different thing is that, she’s alone now.

“Look, I don’t know you. Could you just go away and let me eat my quiche?” I said, not even looking at her.

“First of all, the name is Lythea Faragid...”

“OKAY, LYTHEA,” I punched my fist on the table, “If you DARE come to me again, I swear I’ll make you feel so sorry that you ever talked to me, you got it?”

Lythea didn’t reply for a few seconds. Instead, she stood up and said, “Remember SKULL. You’re a Goth nerd and a freshman. I am a cheerleader and a senior. Let’s see who’ll be sorry,”

I raised my left eyebrow and sighed. Yeah right. I don’t even think she knows how to curl her fist the right way.

What a loser.

And all she can do is just waving pom-poms. She can’t even do a simple backhand spring. Come on.

That’s just plain ridiculous.

When I ate just about half of my quiche, the bell rang. AAAARGH! I love this quiche! Thanks to Lythea, I don’t get to finish it.

I grumpily stood up and threw the rest of the quiche into my mouth and chewed it quickly.

I rushed to my locker and picked my history books. I just hope I won’t be late for class so Mr. Shirc doesn’t have to punish me.

After school...

After I put my books back in my locker and was about to go home, another gang of seniors blocked my way.

But this is the guys’ gang.

I sighed and said, “Okay, did I make another mistake or what?”

One of the guys (he sure was a big one) walked to me and grabbed my collar. “You made Lythea mad, didn’t you?” He said.

I looked at him with no fear at all (not even in my heart, I’m not scared of big guys like him) and tilted my head to the left. “ must be her boyfriend,” I mocked him.

I felt his grip on my collar tightened. “Look, SKULL, I don’t care if you’re a girl, I can beat you up in ease,” he said and smirked. Boy, he still looked ugly.

“You know what, ‘senior’? I think you should consider brushing your teeth 3 times a day or eat a fresh mint candy,” I mocked him again.

He threw me onto the floor. That didn’t hurt at all. I stood up and folded my arms as I challenged him.

“Oh, so you think you’re so tough, aren’t you, SKULL?” he said, “’s SKULL, aaaah...I’m so scared...the SKULL is coming...” he continued with this annoying, mocking tone.

I sighed and shook my head. Definitely a stupid guy.

When he was about to punch me squarely on my face, I was ready to ward him off and I kicked his groin as hard as I could. Gah, this is too easy.

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